This might be an assumption but I think most climbers would like to
only have the muscles necessary to climb and throw away all the others
in order to cut down on their weight. If this was possible it would
actually cause a lot of problems especially with our joints. By using
our main climbing muscles i.e the lats, biceps, finger flexors, quads
most of the time and their anatagonists i.e the external rotators,
pectorals, finger extensors, triceps, and hamstrings very little of the
time we can cause stress to our tendons (tendinitis anyone?) or
strain/pull muscles. In this post I'll present various agonist, their
antagonists (as they relate to climbing), and some exercises to help
strengthen the anatagonists.
Lats -- Pecs/External Rotators
The lats originate on the lower back and insert on the front of the
arms, underneath the biceps, by going through the arm pit. As we
mentioned in some previous posts, the lats are the pulling muscles. On
the opposite side of the coin the pecs are the pushing muscles (think of
the bench press). Climbers rarely perform pushing movement except for
maybe mantling or the occasional opposing side pull or press move.
The pecs can be strengthen by doing bench presses, push ups or the pec fly.
I prefer the pec fly to the other two exercises because it targets the
pecs better and provides a more sport specific movement.
the lats attach to the front of the arms and through the armpit they can
cause internal rotation of the arm especially if the lats are very big.
This is one reason why climber's shoulders roll forward and we look a
little hunch backed. Not only does it make us look weird it can cause an
impingement of the biceps tendons. An impingement is when a tendon
becomes inflamed and irritated by rubbing on bony structures. By
exercising the external rotators of the rotator cuffs we can prevent
There are several exercises that target the external rotators. If you have dumbbells handy, then you can do the reverse butterfly
or kneel parallel to a weight bench (or couch) with one knee on and one
elbow one. Use the other leg to stabilize yourself and with the
dumbbell in the free hand. Bend the arm so the elbow joint is at a 90
degree angle bring the dumbbell from the bench twist out from your body.
If you have access to resistance cords, attach one end to a door knob
or another elbow height object. Grab the other end of the cord and turn
your body so the hand that isn't holding the cord is facing the door
knob. Again bend the elbow so the joint is at a 90 degree angle. Take
the hand with the cord from your body twisting out away from the body.
Biceps -- Triceps
The biceps help assist the lats in the pull up motion as well as
pulling in after grabbing an under-cling. Opposite of the arms are the
triceps and they help with extending the arm and forearm. The triceps
are contracted when performing a mantle move mid-route or the top out of
a boulder problem. Push ups are a good exercise if you want to work
your pecs and triceps but if you would like target the triceps more
specifically you can perform tricep curls or bar dips. My favorite are
dips because they are the closest thing to topping out and they can be
done when suffering a shoulder impingement.
In the next post,
we'll discuss exercises to minimize the imbalances between the
quads/hamstrings and the finger flexors/extensors. I will also try to
post some pics of the exercises described above.
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